Saturday, May 15, 2010

Turkey and Stuffing Casserole

1 (14 ounce) package seasoned dry stuffing mix

1 package seasoned dry stuffing mix

1 teaspoon ground sage

1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of celery soup
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup
2 boneless, skinless turkey breasts - cooked and shredded
1/4 cup melted butter
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
In a large bowl, combine the stuffing crumbs, sage, celery and chicken broth, and then set aside. Place the celery soup and the chicken soup into two separate bowls and add 1/2 of a soup can of water to each. Stir these well and set aside.
Sprinkle 1/3 of the stuffing crumb mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 9x13-inch baking dish. Then layer with 1/2 of the shredded turkey meat and pour the celery soup mixture over this. Sprinkle another 1/3 of the crumb mixture over this, followed by the remaining turkey. Pour the chicken soup mixture over this and top off with the remaining stuffing mixture. Drizzle the melted butter over all and press the entire mixture down into the dish until firmly packed.

Bake at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) for 20 to 30 minutes.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Perfect cookbook, perfect dinner

Dear readers, I hope you enjoyed reading my "Deep Fry Turkey Instructions", I will be posting new recipes here soon (you can request recipes in comments). Meanwhile, I would like to share you some information about a cookbook I've bought.  So here is the link to this cookbook . It will be extremely usiful if you'r just exploring the world of cooking and even if you'r advanced chief-cook. I highly recommend buying this product.

Deep Fry Turkey Instructions

Deep Fry Turkey Instructions 
Just a little time ago, turkeys were more like associated with traditional celebrations and solemn events – true masterpiece of national art of cookery and accepted as an entrĂ©e without risk of loss.
But for some time past, the «very fast method of deep frying turkey», originated in the south of USA, went nationwide, rapidly gaining in popularity. Although, this process is fairly expensive, taking into consideration the cost of the oil and special equipment, the delight of having unforgettable holiday feast with your family—or throwing a block party with a couple of friends, sure is worth it. Besides, not only, it takes to cook a turkey in far less time than baked in a stove, but also unlike all dried out turkeys, which come out of stove, turkey coming out of a fryer is very moist and juicy, with delicious dark, crispy skin.
Once you learn how to deep fry a turkey, you will see that it is pretty easy. But it may be utterly dangerous as well, unless you read the instructions that come with your turkey fryer carefully and follow the deep fry turkey instructions below:

Deep Fry Turkey Instructions 

The turkey:

Size: The perfect size for a successfully deep frying is from 10 up to 14-pounds (a whole turkey).
Preparation of the turkey, before deep frying: 
 Remove all the wrappers from the turkey. Save the weight label as you will need it later to calculate the total frying time. 
 The turkey needs to be fully defrosted and washed. Thaw the turkey completely and remove the neck and giblets.
 Remove the wire or plastic trusses from the turkey. Cut off the wing tips till the first joint and cut off the tail completely. 
 Make sure there is nothing left inside the turkey.
 To avoid oil spattering, dry the outside and inside of the turkey. 
 Inject the marinade into the turkey, using special injector needle.
 Inject more marinade deep into the breast muscles, legs and thighs muscles and wing section in a 4\2\1 proportion. 
 After you add marinade, place the turkey in a clean roasting pan or salver for no more than 30 minutes to 45 minutes, to let marinades and seasonings to permeate the turkey.
 Carefully secure the legs, neck flap, wings and tail to the body of the turkey and place it into the basket (or on the hanger).

 Do not stuff turkeys for deep frying. 
 Do not inject the marinade just under the skin as a water-based marinade will result in the hot oil popping and splattering.
 Don’t forget to wash hands, surfaces, equipment, etc, that have come in contact with raw turkey.

Turkey fryer:
• The turkey fryer must be used outdoors only, because of the flammability of the oil. You should place it on a plane surface, for example on level dirt or just a grassy area, away from roof overhangs and other things, which could catch fire. You should also keep it away from concrete, which can be easily stained by the oil.


 Don't allow children or pets near the cooking area.
 Don’t start frying on any wooden surfaces.
 Don’t fry a turkey indoors, in a garage or other structures, which are close to a building.

Different kinds of oil: Only oils that have high smoke points should be used, otherwise when you heat it up to a high temperature it will break down and go rancid, ruining the flavor of the turkey. Such oils include:
 peanut oil
 corn oil
 refined canola oil 
 soybean oil 
 cottonseed oil 
 sunflower oil 
 safflower oil 

The amount: If there is no «oil level fill line» mark, which indicates the suitable level of oil to add to the pot in your fryer, the best way to determine the amount of oil is:
«Water displacement method»: 
Place the turkey into the basket (or on the hanger, it all depends on the type of fryer you use) and putt it into the frying pot. Add water until it reaches about an inch or two above the turkey. Remove the turkey and note where the water level reaches. Remove the water and make sure that your frying pot is completely dry. Water left behind can cause troubles once you heat up the oil. Add the oil to the same level what the water level was without the turkey in the pot.

Heating the Oil:
Add your thermometer to the oil and turn on the fryer.
Heating the oil will depend on your location and a wide variety of other variables like wind conditions, it may fluctuate, so you just have to keep your eye on it. If the oil starts getting too hot and bubbling, turn your fryer down.
When the oil gets to 350 degrees you are ready to deep fry a turkey.


Frying the Turkey:
Turn off the burner and lower the turkey into the oil - slowly, to prevent excess splattering. As soon as the turkey is safely in the pot, immediately turn on the fryer.
Keep an eye on the oil temperature. It can vary due to juices, flowing out from the turkey. Make sure it stays at 350 degrees. And just – let it fry for the required cooking time, which you can calculate, using:

Deep frying the Turkey time formula:

3-4 minutes * each pound of the turkey

Once you have reached the cooking time you calculated turn off the fryer and take the turkey out very carefully. You should lift the turkey out to check its temperature with a meat thermometer - it should reach 170 degrees in the breast. If it is not – put it back into fryer and turn it on for extra few minutes. Then, pull the entire basket\hanger out and place it on the drain on paper towels, or on the turkey platter right away.
Let rest and cool a bit – for approximately 15 minutes.
Then, you can carve it and…Enjoy your perfect fried turkey!~
Om Nom Nom Nom!~ 


Turkey leftlovers:
Turkey leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator not sooner, than two hours after the cooking. For better and longer storing use plastic container.
Storing and reusing the oil:
1. First step you should make, to prepare the oil for storing - is to leave it to cool completely overnight in the covered pot. 
2. The second step - strain the cooled oil through a strainer.
3. Than filter the oil by pouring it through cheesecloth into the container, where you plan to keep it. 
4. Keep the container in a cool, dry, and dark place, refrigerator would be the best choice, if you have enough place in it. 
5. Get rid of the oil, if signs of deterioration begin (foam, darkening or smoking, while you heat it up).

Be carefull!~


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